exportation|exportations in English


[ex·por·ta·tion || ‚ekspɔː'teɪʃn]

sending of products to another country (for sale)

Use "exportation|exportations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exportation|exportations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exportation|exportations", or refer to the context using the word "exportation|exportations" in the English Dictionary.

1. The export / exportation of gold is forbidden.

2. (a) Formalities prior to temporary exportation of the goods

3. Be responsible for the importation and exportation, processing business.

4. He was charged with attempted exportation of illegal drugs.

5. Importation and exportation are the defining financial transactions of international trade.

6. There was no production, consumption or importation or exportation of natural gas.

7. L' Alumine et la bauxite sont les principales exportations, suivies par le sucre, les bananes et le rhum

8. Prohibition on the exportation of dental amalgam containing mercury and bearing the CE conformity marking

9. In fact, in several countries, food production is at surplus levels, making exportation to neighboring countries possible.

10. The amount of the refund applicable shall be that in force on the day of exportation.

11. However, after the war began, an embargo was placed on French Percherons, disallowing them from exportation.

12. amending Directive 75/349/EEC regarding detailed rules on equivalent compensation and prior exportation under inward processing arrangements

13. fees and charges imposed by or for governmental agencies on or in connection with importation, exportation or transit;

14. Addis Ababa is a major hub for coffee drinking, milling, roasting, exchange and exportation, including several of Blue bottle’s single origins

15. The exportation of Marwari horses was banned for decades, but between 2000 and 2006, a small number of exports were allowed.

16. A large quantity of salt is annually drawn from thesalina: and great piles, some hundred tons in weight, were lyingready for exportation

17. Japan has a large market share in the trade of frozen and fresh shark meat, for both importation and exportation.

18. A large quantity of salt is annually drawn from thesalina: and great piles, some hundred tons in weight, were lyingready for exportation

19. In 2014, prosecuted two Ghanaian women who had played a leading role in the exportation of cocaine to the United Kingdom.

20. Upon exportation, the exported product is notionally converted into hot wort on the basis of a wastage rate of 10% of the wort.

21. It includes prohibition of logging in national parks, and bans, as well as other strict measures, regarding hunting and exportation of this eagle.

22. Depart a Foreign Country – Use the White Re-exportation Counterfoil and voucher that has the same number as the most recently used Importation Counterfoil and voucher.

23. (Reference for a preliminary ruling - Directive 93/42/EEC - Medical devices - Prohibition on the exportation of dental amalgam containing mercury and bearing the ‘CE’ conformity marking - Protection of health and the environment)

24. Cumulation is a deviation from the principle that goods must be produced entirely in the country of exportation, or have undergone sufficient working or processing there, in order to qualify as originating goods

25. Individuals wishing to export any Biological material (infectious or non-infectious) from the NIH to a destination outside of the United States must submit a "Declaration for Exportation of Biological Materials" (NIH 2388) to QPSO.